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How To Create a Bitcoin Wallet on Blockchain


*Note:* There are lots of btc wallets but for the purpose of our programme, we make use of *blockchain wallet* because it is very easy to operate and monitor it's operations...

Now to the steps:👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

1) Download Google Chrome browser if you don't have it.
Blockchain wallet works fine on Google  Chrome browser 

2) You must have an email address
3) Go to ** -
4) Click *wallet*
5) Click *create new wallet*
6) Follow the procedures
*You will be sent a mail*
7) Go to your email and confirm by clicking the link sent
8) Then login with your details

Hurray!!! *You now have a btc wallet*

9) After successful login, you will see *send* and *receive*
10) Click *receive*

You will see a long alphanumeric character, that you were told to copy
*copy* it ( like this 👉 JYYaE6TkQsMGBj8QT2QmM9sKfufFtCFPBt)

11) Go to your *Notepad* or *anywhere safe* & paste it there and save it so you can use it at anytime.

12) That number copied is your *wallet address* and U will be using it to *collect* and *receive* Bitcoin

_Pls note your wallet address is like your bank account no on blockchain, it is different from your wallet ID._

Your wallet ID can be likened to your ATM pin which u use in gaining access to your account.

*That's All, you now have a _Bitcoin Wallet_*

How To Create a Bitcoin Wallet on Blockchain Reviewed by Buusuu on 03:08 Rating: 5


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